Letters To Jara
Universal Creatures
Teacher's Lounge
Student Launch pad
Letters To Jara
A fantasy novel series for young readers, created by author T. Longazo. This series follows a girl named Nora Bowen and her family's adventures as they experience moving to and living on the planet Mars. Nora quickly discovers Mars is nothing like what she expected, for there are deep secrets on Mars that unravel before her eyes.
Universal Creatures
A children's fantasy series by T. Longazo, about the little sprites who live on different worlds throughout our galaxy. Each sprite has its own unique skills to help it survive and work on the planet or moon they are in charge to keep. Learn about other worlds through their eyes!
Teacher's Lounge
This is a dedicated resource page for educators who have little time to surf the web for interesting classroom activities and lesson plans. There are also links pertaining to science & exploration subject matter addressed in Letters To Jara.
Student Launch pad
Begin your own adventures! This page is dedicated to help students find out more about the universe we live in. There are topics and links that will help you with everything from scouting, book reports, science fair projects, student camps, jobs and more!
Webmaster: T. Longazo